Welcome to Ghaem Trading Group

گروه بازرگانی قائم ghaem trading group
Floor 5, Radman Building, Ramezani Ave, Ghazian, Bandar Anzali

Gilan, IR Iran


Domestic and international transportation services

Qaim company offers the most appropriate and best prices and services in the transportation and sending of goods in various ways in the field of import and export, with representatives in Asian, European, Middle Eastern countries and with the help of foreign representatives.

Providing services of Ghaem Trading Group in international and foreign transportation sector:

Carrying out international sea, land and rail transportation in the field of export and import

Container reservation, domestic transportation, follow-up and supervision of customers’ customs affairs, cross-staffing, transportation of refrigerated goods and dangerous goods, suitable tariff for demurrage, transportation of branded and embargoed goods, bill of lading switch

Despite the embargo in the current situation, Ghaem company has the ability to cooperate with all foreign lines directly and indirectly.

Qaim Trading Group is distinguished from other similar companies in the field of foreign and domestic transportation by having a direct representative in Iranian lines (IRISEL), foreign lines and relevant experts based in the company, for answering, consulting and follow-up from moment to moment.

Ghaem Trading Group offers its domestic transportation services with reasonable price, high quality and acceptable time.